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F*** off with that DS shit!

So my Journey continues,

For many months i have been able to speak with others and share this opportunity with them. I have never ever seen myself as being annoying, nor worrying what others thought of me, Why? Because it is my business to ensure everyone knows and is given the opportunity to take a look.

In doing this i have come across many ways that people respond when sharing a DS opportunity, Some have totally ignored me, some (not many) have given me a direct no - which i adore and appreciate (my experience is it is hard for people to tell you no) and then you have those who will give you a excuse, and then you have those who have the capacity to see outside of the normal and see the opportunity - these are my favorite kinds of people. This entire experience has strengthened my mindset, and i have achieved a mindset of completely being able to detach myself from the responses that i receive, as long as i have delivered i have done my job. It has also stretched my belief that you never really know what the outcome will be, i know from experience i have had pre thoughts about a outcome and have been totally proven wrong -- biggest lesson is never pre judge - you have no right to decide a response for another.....

People have what i call excuses like no time, no money, no so and so and i think to myself - well if you want that to stay the same then keep doing what you're doing, but maybe looking at a different strategy is just what you need!

Then sometimes it just comes down to timing and the timing just legitly isn't in line YET .

I have 70 people who have all seen the opportunity and said yes to taking a no obligation look at the opportunity, I think that DS is perceived by the wider community as annoying, pyramid schemes and this just is not correct... and again its pre judging - If you are one of these types of people get educated on DS, Find the truth.

The world is changing, Social media is where its at, How easy is it to shop online? Everyone does it these days. Its time to take a good look at the way things are.

So my blog today sums up the road to preparation, DS is not easy but it is a teacher, it is an empowerer of self, It is a master to mindset.....

If you have the grunt, determination, dream and desire --- you will be a winner!


ez x

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